General Statement

In matters of safety we all have a personal responsibility for the safety and well being of ourselves, those who work with us and other parties that may be affected by the things that we do or not do. We need, therefore, to know the hazards associated with our work and to be aware of the safety measures necessary to reduce the risk of injury to the lowest level reasonably achievable.

F.O’Donnell and Sons Ltd is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees and all other parties that may be affected by its’ work activities so far as is reasonably practicable. We will take steps and provide satisfactory financial (and other) resources, to ensure that our statutory duties are met at all times, including:

  • Ensuring that that accident and ill health prevention is given the highest priority, alongside business objectives, within all company operations.
  • Providing adequate control of the health and safety hazards arising from our work activities, in co-operation with employees, other contractors, clients and other relevant parties.
  • Consulting with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety to ensure that the arrangements for health and safety management are practical to implement and effective.
  • Providing and maintaining safe plant and work equipment that is inspected and tested.
  • Ensuring that all equipment, materials and substances, used by the company, are appropriate for their intended use and used, handled and stored safely.
  • Providing information, instruction and supervision for employees to ensure that they can competently carry out their work activities.
  • Ensuring all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training where required.
  • Investigating lapses in health and/or safety performance and put into place remedial actions to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, their recurrence.
  • Ensuring that all working places are maintained in safe and healthy condition.
  • Reviewing and revising the health and safety policy at regular intervals to ensure that our health and safety management system is committed to continual improvement.

F.O’Donnell and Sons Ltd understand that the implementation of this health and safety policy requires the total commitment at all levels, from director to employee.

Each individual has a legal obligation to:

  • To take reasonable care for his/her own health and safety, and for the safety of other people who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions.
  • To co-operate with their employer and others to enable them to fulfil their legal obligations

This policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in accordance with new legislation or organisational change.

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