F.O’Donnell and Sons Ltd recognises that in our day-to-day operations we inevitably impact on the environment in a number of ways and wish to minimise the potentially harmful effects of such activity wherever and whenever possible. As a consequence of this, the management are committed to continuous improvements in environmental performance and the prevention of pollution.
- Meet, and where appropriate, exceed the requirements of all relevant legislation.
- Promote recycling and the use of recycled materials.. All white spirit (VOC) is returned to head office where it is recycled ready for re-use. Where appropriate the blank reverse side of paper documents are re-used and finally, the paper collected in recycling bins.
- Minimise waste in all operations. Material quantities ordered for projects are carefully managed by the Contracts Manager to avoid excessive waste. Wherever possible, materials are ordered in large batches to avoid the need of excessive numbers of vehicle journeys by suppliers.
- Reduce the quantity of environmentally harmful materials used. Where appropriate, we recommend to architects/designers the use of water borne products which have less environmental impact than solvent borne products.
- Transportation. Through coordinating route planning we realise the dual benefits of reduced fuel consumption and lower fuel emissions.
- Dispose of waste paint materials in a safe manner. (see waste control arrangements)
- Communicate policies to all employees. Employees will be made aware of the Environmental Policy through “in house” training carried out by the manager with responsibility for health and safety.
- Monitor Progress. The Contracts Manager will ensure that all employees comply with the Environmental Policy. The Manager with responsibility for health and safety will review the environmental performance on an annual basis.